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The Secret of the Hydrogen Balloon

Posted 2017-09-30 13:12:44   Click 6479

We often say that a teacher is the Facilitator of an activity, the child is the main participant. During the process of creating a kindergarten's environment, how do we coordinate the "teacher" and "child", "facilitator" and "participant"? With this question, K3-B class start an animated topic about environment, the childrens thinking is different to the adults, they have a unique understanding of things and their own theory. In fact, the children are the owners of the environment, they should choose the content of the creation of the environment, the organization of materials and the items used.

To introduce Mid Autumn holiday and the National holiday, K3-B had a topic about "environment". Some said: "I want to paint moon cakes on the window" and some said: "I want to draw Tiananmen Square and national flag" and some said: "I want to let balloons fly.”  At this time, the children raised a very interesting question, why do the balloons we blow up ourselves not float? Why do the hydrogen balloons go up? With curiosity and questions and also with the help of the teachers, K3-B class decided to produce hydrogen balloons, to explore the secrets of hydrogen balloons, and to create an atmosphere.

1. Prepare Materials

Making hydrogen balloons needs some special materials, when the children saw these materials, they were all curious because these materials are common in our daily life. 

Bottle) BalloonAluminium foil) (Mr Muscolo)

2. The Method of Making Hydrogen balloon

Do not worry, let the teacher explain: First, take a glass bottle, put the Mr Muscolo to the bottle, and then put aluminium foil paper balls into it, then seal the balloons in the bottle, finally, we need to wait patiently, miracles will happen.

3. Witness the miracle

During the waiting time, aluminum foil paper balls in the bottle have tremendous changes: first, come out bubbles and then boiling gas; then the balloons become bigger and bigger, which provoked timid girls to quickly covered their ears and hide far away. Boys are staring at the balloons and they afraid to miss the balloon changes in the process and are screaming: "amazing!"

4. Magical balloon

In the children's exploration, the hydrogen balloons succeeded! Look, the balloons slowly float up in the air and then reach the roof of the classroom. The children could not help but cheer. An experience of happy success!

5. The secret of the hydrogen balloon

Do you know what is the lightest gas in the world? It is hydrogen. Its density is very small, only 1/14 of the air. The aluminum foil and clean toilet spirit have the production of hydrogen when combine. A chemical reaction occurs. This is today's small experiment "hydrogen secret. "  The balloon is full of hydrogen and we must firmly grasp them by hand otherwise they will rise to the sky.

Warm Tips:

This activity is a scientific experiment during the process of the children creating the classroom environment. The children understand the characteristics of hydrogen by guessing, discussing and implementing but the hydrogen is easy to explode, so teachers always focus on the danger of hydrogen to the children in this activity. If the children want to produce hydrogen balloons at home, they must be accompanied by an adult !


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